What Do You Believe?
by Scott A. Gese

A positive attitude is vital to your success. Without it what you achieve will be limited. 

what do you believeJonathan Francis/Unsplash

Do you believe you can fly like the person in this image? Would you have the confidence to try? Would you succeed?

If not flying, what do you believe you can achieve? Fame? Fortune? A Successful Retirement Lifestyle?

Each success you achieve in life starts with what you believe.

Do you believe in yourself? Do you have confidence in the things you do? Do you have the confidence to even try?

It’s surprising how many people who want to be successful lack the one essential ingredient to achieve their dream. They don’t believe. Their lack of belief keeps them grounded.

They don’t believe in themselves. They don’t believe in their talents. They don’t believe in their abilities. They think they’re not worthy of success, whatever that might be for them.

If you’re an underachiever, I challenge you to sit back and examine your life. You may be surprised to find that your inability to become successful stems from a root cause that says you don’t believe in yourself.

If you don’t believe you can achieve positive results in something you want to master. If you doubt your ability to learn new skills. If you doubt other people will appreciate what you do. If you’re afraid to take a leap of faith, go out on a limb or face the unknown, you will always be less than your best.

How did you get this way?

You haven’t always been this way. As a toddler you were confident. You were constantly learning new skills. Walking, talking, using the toilet were all major milestones. You never once thought you couldn’t master these and many other skills as well. Fear never entered the picture. You didn’t know the meaning of doubt.

As you grew a little older, the people you emulated and learned from, mainly your parents and siblings began to limit your new learning skills.

Some were important, like what might be hot and burn you if you touched it or not to stick metal objects into electrical sockets and my favorite, don’t stick your tongue on a frozen metal post.

They also limited you in other ways. Ways that held you back, limited your beliefs and helped to form your insecurities. They told you things like don’t try that, you might not be good enough or don’t do that, you’re not old enough, big enough, strong enough or smart enough.

They never gave you a chance to find out for yourself. They just assumed they knew where to limit you. And as for you, there was no critical thinking on your part at such a young age. You accepted everything you were told at face value. Including negative and self limiting statements.

Did you know that by the time you are around seven years old, your core beliefs have been shaped. By your mid thirties, those core beliefs have played a major part in shaping your personality for the rest of your life?

Aristotle, one of the greatest philosophers of all time knew this almost two thousand years ago. He’s been quoted as saying, “Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man.” He understood how he could shape a young child’s mind and that what he put into it would stick with him forever.

Is there any hope?

Can you change those negative personality traits? Can you change those negative and self destructive beliefs you’ve been packing around most of your life?

Although it’s not easy, the answer is yes, in spite of what others have said, you can teach an old dog new tricks.

How can you change?

In your conscious mind, you may want to change, but your body has been programmed by your subconscious mind to run a certain way. You’ve been doing it now for years. Your negative and self defeating thoughts and emotions have created this program and it has become automatic. Your subconscious mind and body are not working together. You need to change this.

The thing is, positive thoughts and statements alone aren’t enough.

First you have to want to change. Really want it. Your elevated emotions play a large part in developing the new you. You do this through the way you think. You need to think new thoughts with an elevated emotion. Your brain can’t tell the difference between an actual event or a thought with an elevated emotion.

Thoughts with elevated emotions leave lasting impressions on your subconscious mind. They retrain your brain by creating new neural networks which create long term memories. The more you repeat this thought, the more neurons wire and fire together.

Basically, what you’re doing is using your conscious mind to trick your subconscious mind into believing what you are thinking is real. Your subconscious mind then uses what it has been told to believe is real to control your conscious mind.

I won’t kid you. This is a difficult thing to do. Overcoming and replacing past negative emotions and beliefs takes a sustained conscious effort, but it can be done, but it takes real work. The best way to achieve this is through meditation.

If you want to change your life for the better. If you want to see success where you’ve only seen failure, you need to change how you think and how you feel. If you don’t believe in meditation, that’s the first belief you need to change.

This is just a basic overview of what you can accomplish and what you need to do, but it’s a place to start. If you’re serious about changing your life. If you want to learn more, if you want to dig deeper, I highly recommend the following book.

Becoming Supernatural / How common people are doing the uncommon. By Dr. Joe Dispenza

This book goes in depth, but is very understandable.

I’ve recommended this book before. It’s been a game changer for me. It can be for you as well. You can do this.

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