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The Power and Pitfalls of Being Yourself
By Scott A. Gese

The world view of others is not the same as yours.

We are all unique human beings.

We all live in a world of our own making. Our upbringing, education and spiritual beliefs; As well as the people we associate with, and the media we subject ourselves to, all contribute to making each one of us uniquely different.

power and pitfalls imageJulian Jagtengerg/Pexels

No one else’s world view is exactly the same as yours.

Understanding this gives you the power to live your life according to your beliefs. You are not under pressure to conform to another persons views. Let their guilt trips roll off your back. Your true friends will become apparent and others of like mind will come into your life.

So why do others push us to be more like them? Why do they push us to conform to their world view?

Because they think their world view is the correct view and they want others to validate this for them.

As I said, we are all uniquely different. It’s difficult to argue or push someone into changing their beliefs on certain subjects. Just because someone says a thing is true doesn’t necessarily make it so. At least not in everyones mind. Why should any one group or person believe they have the inside scoop on how the world works?

They might be right as far as they’re concerned. But others may not see the world from the same perspective, or they may have a different slant on that same belief.

Most people believe their world view is correct. For the most part, it is… for them.

Arguing with someone about what they believe is unlikely to accomplish changing their mind. Butting heads over differences of opinion will end up being a futile endeavor.

People don’t like to be pushed. They tend to push back.

The best way to handle differences of opinion is a straight forward adult conversation. It’s okay to acknowledge the fact that you don’t see things in exactly the same way as someone else.

If the goal is to push another to conform to a certain point of view, hard feelings and rejection will end up being the results of such tactics.

Arm twisting is a weak form of persuasion. Don’t give into it. Don’t give in to those who use strength as a tactic. Coming at someone from a position of strength is a weak position. 

The ability to be yourself around others who disagree with you is a true power position.

Some will notice how you are. If they like what they see, they may begin to soften toward your views and become more curious. When they are ready or if they are curious enough they will begin to ask you questions. Only then can you open them up to the world as you see it. It’s a gentle and unobtrusive way to lead someone.

You need to let them do the work of changing. You do not push and pull. You only respond.

Until then, don’t fret about those who are trying to change you. Better to live your own life and not be dismayed because others, including your friends or even your kids don’t see eye to eye with you on all topics. If they are adults, give them space and let them make their own choices and even their own mistakes.

They should be willing to do the same for you.

Let’s face it, we are only here on this earth for a short time. We need to make every moment count toward something good and positive. Depression, fear and dread over someone else’s world view is a worthless state of mind. It lowers your vibration. If it goes on for too long, it will cause you to become sick or worse.

If it turns out they have an agenda. If they want to force their opinion on you. If they refuse to talk about why there is a difference of opinion. If they take a position of strength. That’s their loss, not yours. It's time to move on.

Choosing to be yourself gives you power. A position of power is stronger than a position of strength. Stay powerful and keep your vibration high.

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