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By all rights he should have been dead, but then the unbelievable happened.
Some people handle the death of a loved one with strength and courage. Others crack under the emotional strain. Calvin Dandy was not one of the strong ones.
The situation was turning hopeless. It looked like people were about to die until a young firefighter came to the rescue.
From Birthdays to Biology: Understanding Your True Age
If I had to choose the one thing I felt people focused on the most, It would have to say it was age. Let's face it. With few exceptions, people don't want to grow old.
It was a clandestine meeting destined to make both men rich.
Five From the File
Their marriage was heading toward a rocky shore. Could it be saved? Should they even try?
A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste
An active brain is a healthy brain. Here are a few ways to keep it up and running.
After twenty years, a reunion with a father confirms a long held belief.
One man framed for a murder he didn’t commit. Another knew the truth but refused to come clean.
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A Bright and Shining Light on the South Slope of Oregon's Mount Hood and a winter playground for snow enthusiasts. <Read The Full Article Here>
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For years she kept it to herself and it almost broke her heart. <Read the full story HERE>
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Secret Agent
1936 Alfred Hitchcock
During the first world war, novelist Edgar Brodie is sent to Switzerland by the Intelligence Service. He has to kill a German agent.