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Classic Movie
Hercules Against the Moon Men

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    A plane flying to the Bahamas gets blown off course and crashes on the island of the mysterious Dr. Sangare. The island is haunted.

  • The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms

    A ferocious dinosaur awakened by an Arctic atomic test terrorizes the North Atlantic and, ultimately, New York City.

  • Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women

    A team of astronauts crashes on the surface of Venus. Accompanied by their robot, they explore the surface and end up destroying the Venusian God.

  • House on Haunted Hill

    Vincent Price plays the suavely malevolent host of a "haunted house party" who offers his guests $10,000 if they can survive a night in the murderous mansion.

  • Destroy All Planets

    Fanged but friendly flying turtle Gamera saves the world from the squidlike space monster Viras.

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Our Top Five Most Read Articles/Short Stories for the Month of February 
(and Five From the File)

Newest Article

Alaska’s Ghost Ship, the Clara Nevada
by Steve Levi

Clara NevadaClara Nevada/Public Domain

A tale of greed, robbery and murder along with a ghostly re-visitation. But it was more than that. It is also one of the largest successful robberies in American history <Read The Full Article Here>

Newest Short Story

Matters of the Heart
      By Scott A. Gese

matters of the heartMgribbon/Pixabay

It’s been recently discovered that hearts have brain cells. Because of this, strange things can happen to those who receive a new heart. <Read the full story HERE> 

Newest Classic Film

Secret Agent

secrt agent

1936 Alfred Hitchcock

During the first world war, novelist Edgar Brodie is sent to Switzerland by the Intelligence Service. He has to kill a German agent.

<Watch The Full Movie Here>