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Are You Tired of Feeling Tired?
12 Ways to Boost Your Energy Level
Do you have times when you feel tired after just a couple of hours of light work in the yard? Are you ready for a nap half way through your day? Are you at the point where you know that dragging your body around for half the day is not an acceptable way to live any more?
Been there. Know those feelings. Not only lived to tell the tale, but thrived on it!
And now I'm going to share my secrets with you!
I was in my twenties I had enough energy to work hard all day and
play hard all night. As far as my energy level went, I always had
what I needed.
than a few years have passed since that youthful time in my life when
I could go for days on nothing more than fumes. I'm no longer in my
twenties. Hell, I'm no longer in my forties. My energy level isn't
even close to what it used to be.
was a time not too long ago when I was tired after a couple of hours
of light work in the yard. I was damn near ready for a nap half way
through my day.
this tired old body around for half the day was not acceptable. I
knew I needed to do something to change this situation.
any of this sound familiar? If you're in the same boat as I was, here
are a few suggestions that might help you regain some of that
youthful energy that seems to have waned over the years.
recently added some of these positive changes to my lifestyle. These
changes have given me more energy. They've made a world of
difference. I now have more energy than I've had in years.
are 12 ways you can improve your energy level.
- Get regular
exercise: I can't stress enough how important this is. Exercise
helps improve circulation, increase stamina, and boost energy
levels. You don't have to lift weights or carry out a strenuous
exercise program to benefit. Even low-impact exercises such as
walking, yoga, tia chi and qi gong can be beneficial. This is not
once in awhile exercise. This is REGULAR exercise. Put it on your
schedule and stick with it.
- Eat a healthy
diet: Your body needs certain nutrients to maintain a certain energy
level throughout each day. If you're not eating a balanced diet rich
in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats,
Start today. A healthy diet can help provide the energy you're
looking for.
- Get a good nights sleep: Deep REM sleep is important. This is the time
when your body rejuvenates and repairs itself. Getting enough good
sleep is crucial to maintaining good health and energy levels. Most
adults need an average of 8 hours of sleep per night.
- Manage your stress: Worries and the pressures of the day are an energy
drain. If you're a chronic worrier or under constant stress it can
eventually lead to fatigue. There are techniques available to help
you deal with both worry and stress such as meditation or tai chi.
Relieving worry and stress can help you improve your energy levels.
- Grow your social
connections: You might not have considered social interaction as an
energy booster but believe it or not, engaging in social activities
with others can boost your mood and your energy levels.
- Manage your health conditions: There are certain health conditions that can
cause fatigue. It's important to work with a healthcare provider to
determine and manage these conditions properly.
- Be sure to stay
hydrated: Our bodies are mostly water and it depends on it to
function properly. It's a fact that most people don't drink enough
water. Fatigue is one of the symptoms of dehydration. It's important
to drink plenty of water throughout the day if you want to keep your
energy level up.
- Limit
your caffeine and alcohol intake: Caffeine and even alcohol can
provide a temporary energy boost. If you drink caffeine (not just
coffee) in the evening it can interfere with sleep. It can also lead
to dehydration. As mentioned earlier being fully hydrated and
getting enough quality sleep are important factors in improving your
energy level.
- Take
breaks and rest: Let's face the fact that our bodies are not the
same as they were when we were younger. It's important for us older
adults to pace ourselves and take several breaks throughout the day
and rest when we need to. By not overdoing it you can improve your
overall energy level.
- Engage
in mentally stimulating activities: Engaging in mentally
stimulating activities each day or learning a new skill will improve
your cognitive function. This will also increase your energy level.
- Consider
supplements: You might try taking some supplements, such as vitamin
B12, iron, or CoQ10. These could help improve energy levels.
However, it's important to talk to a healthcare provider before
starting any new supplement regimen.
- Find a sense of purpose: Retired adults may benefit from finding a
sense of purpose through volunteering, pursuing hobbies, or other
activities that provide meaning and fulfillment. Having a reason to
get up and going each day is a great motivator and can give you the
energy you need to get on with your day.
in mind that not everyone has the same needs or preferences. Overall,
maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced
diet, adequate sleep, worry and stress management, and social
interaction can significantly improve your energy level.
important to remember that our energy levels tend to decrease as we
get older. When you feel your energy levels beginning to decrease,
you'll need to make necessary adjustments and find new ways to
maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. These lifestyle changes
might not bring you back to the energy level of a twenty year old but
they will give it a boost and improve your current lifestyle.
a final reminder, it's always a good idea to consult with a
healthcare provider before starting any new exercise or dietary
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