Steve Levi

steve levi image

Steve Levi has spent more than 40 years researching and writing on Alaska history. He specializes in the ground-level approach to history. A good example of his in-the-weeds approach is BONFIRE SALOON, a saloon-level book of authentic Alaska Gold Rush characters in a Nome saloon on March 3, 1903. His book, THE HUMAN FACE OF THE ALASKA GOLD RUSH, is a compendium of people and events that are usually left out of scholarly books. For fiction, he specializes in the ‘impossible crime,’ where the detective must figure out HOW the crime was committed before he can go after the perpetrators. In THE MATTER OF THE VANISHING GREYHOUND, the detective must determine how a Greyhound bus can vanish off the Golden Gate Bridge and, in THE MATTER OF THE DEPARTED DIAMONDS, how $3 million in diamonds can disappear from a locked bank vault. 

Steve Levi
Master Of The Impossible Crime


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Stories by Steve Levi
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f-4 phantomGarfield F. Jones/Wikimedia Commons

The Matter of the Snitched Phantom

How can a retired Lt. Col. fly a plane that is missing?

He was in the back seat of a Phantom-Four, a McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, the workhorse of the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War.

george afbPat Elder/Google Images

“The Building Disappeared?!”

Fresh out of graduate school, one of my early, regular jobs was teaching American History on a Top Gun base.

Really, it was!

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Our Top Five Most Read Articles/Short Stories for the Month of January 
(and Five From the File)

Newest Article

Timberline Ski Lodge
by Scott A. Gese

timberline lodgeZach Lenziewicz/Unsplash

A Bright and Shining Light on the South Slope of Oregon's Mount Hood and a winter playground for snow enthusiasts. <Read The Full Article Here>

Newest Short Story

Unspoken Love        By Scott A. Gese

unspoken loveTaylor Hernandez/Unsplash

For years she kept it to herself and it almost broke her heart. <Read the full story HERE> 

Newest Classic Film

Secret Agent

secrt agent

1936 Alfred Hitchcock

During the first world war, novelist Edgar Brodie is sent to Switzerland by the Intelligence Service. He has to kill a German agent.

<Watch The Full Movie Here>